From desk to desk, top bunk and cot to low bed under new fan.
I return no less, yet only that much more a man, I am.
I love and loved, my heart a public pulley.
I’ve pushed and shoved, been victim, perhaps. Been bully.
I cringed and cried in silence, and aloud I sang “Forgiveness please!”
Bled, punctured from the ethers trident. Bowed, and counted my sinless deeds.
I questioned “Why now!? So close, so far! Can I not reach out to call?”
Yet for no answer, I clenched my open scars, as pain rendered me to my knees to crawl.
The message that I have received, would seem on time if t’were not late.
She sings to me, and sad I grieve, to see her beauty strong, and soft, and slate.
My affection, and my service I gave her time and time on end.
I pity me then. How worthless, I bade her mine, and pined and primed.
And though my Ruby has returned, her sorrow grips me still.
Yet for my duty, pray I earn tomorrow’s lips be frill.
Yes, from my Ruby, nay I’ll turn. Tomorrow’s lips be frill.