Thumbnail to the farthest outreach of little finger. Lefty. Hefty.
Under Sunlight exposing them all.
In fours counted them over in threes.
Scent of the seas on the breeze, and I know each of their funk by name.
Counted them in 2's.
Counted as their eyes mounted.
But I am not the pope, nor his successor.
Crowned in dreams bridged to dreams of Me 1 of 3. My tree.
Seed needs fertile soils and untilted fields to grow.
Till then I was there to plow and shovel snow,
and now here I sow the message.
Aim for their necks, sides backs.
"Peace on her back lain."
Do you to the front intimidate by brown skin alone?
Seven mile and Livernois in your pupils glare fire?
Silent insanity on deck in case they don't get it. You don't forget it.
Sorted out in strong words on long lines,
but what when times bring them at you like scenes you've studied? Here alone?
There's the throne. They will charge. On gaurd soldier stay there.
Don't expect they will play fair.
Swifter, I am. Stick shifter, am used to driving
since 15, 14 watching.
Lessons in life upon me now,
drips from my brow the confusion and immediate confrontation of culture unknown.
But not that much.
Counted them each in 4's & 3's. Seven I sees.
Aim for their knees. Move. Point to prove.
Precious life. I can't lose.
But I am not the rope nor the bull caught in the lasso.
Right over strong arm still.
Wrist gleam, mug mean. Charm set to kill.
But she is not mine, and days yet weeks left undefined.
Portraits of power in mind,
Father help this inclined young anxious soul to know his role.
Protected I'd appear to have been keeping who?
For I am not a dope, & my position cannot be neglected, nor suggested.