Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Price of Freedom


GradbutGlad said...

I read “Who will Hear” first. Then,I got to the “Price of Freedom”. Immediately afterwards I opened up windows on my screen to post this video to my twitter accounts, Facebook, because I felt like this needs to go viral!! (I paused midway because I didn’t have consent lol) And if I had a huge platform (and a lot less stage fright) I would transcribe “The Price of Freedom” just so I can read it out loud to those who couldn’t watch it. Accept these words not as compliments but as my standing ovation. So… who will hear the words of the poet? Anyone with open ears can “hear”, but it takes open minds to LISTEN. So although I don’t quite know the answer to your question, I hope you know—I’m listening.

GradbutGlad said...
